Taxi Business has changed a lot from the olden days to the present day!  Well, in this blog, we will see How taxi business has traveled from In-car systems to smartphones.
Taxis have always been the most preferred option of travel for most of the people through, who does not own a car during that time or at all! The working format of normal taxis are you call a local cab firm, order for a cab and once the trip is over you pay the cash then and there.
But all these jobs are completely different in this present era. We should thank the rise in technology and almost all the people have a digital footprint of their own.
So how exactly have the taxi business evolved from before to now? From all manual functions to automated functions such as Taxi Dispatch Software took over. Keep reading and find out. Also, gain an insight into what practices help you stand apart from your competitors!


The Digital Age

We all now live in an entirely digital world where everything from buying your groceries to paying your bills is all entirely by the digital means.
Our entire life is now depended on the usage of our phones. We have got all the latest versions from iPhone X to the latest Google Pixel! And we use them to check everything from checking our bank accounts, to stay in touch with your near and dear, to order anything including the taxi services! Multinational giants like Uber and Lyft allow the customers to avail their services through their apps and can pay the amount by card. And hence the taxi business now a day is entirely dependent on the basis of a taxi dispatch software or taxi apps.
We can opt for the taxicab, check out the present location of the taxi car, view the amount to be paid to the driver in advance, can rate the driver and perform a lot of other functionalities.
Some other exciting features of the using of taxi booking apps include cheaper rides, quick service, and easy accessibility!


In Car Systems to Taxi Booking Apps

Previously, Everything was manual in the taxi business. Every service needed additional equipment like a taximeter to calculate the distance traveled and the fare.
To find the route to travel or to locate they needed a separate GPS Tracking facility. And for the payment, a space consuming card swiping machine and attaching a small printer to it was necessary to provide the proof of transaction to the passengers.
Now it’s all inbuilt within the taxi app in your smartphones.
Even the money transfer can be made through your smartphone app.


Paying By Card

In the past, the amount of the trip was paid in cash at the end of each journey.

It was changed into the using of card swiping machines which is kept inside the cars.

Also, there was an attached small printer to the swiping machine.

Here the customer can be provided a slip after the payment is made as a proof of payment.

Now the taxi apps like Uber, Lyft, and Ola allow the customers to integrate their bank accounts with the app.

Here the customers even need not carry their cards with them in case of payments.

But just before there were taxi services which carried the card reader machines in their vehicles so that the passengers can the trip amount with their atm cards.

In the city of London, there was the traditional Hackney Carriage, which carried the card reading devices with them.

Moreover, it enables people to keep a record of their finances more easily. It is also helpful for taxi drivers since they need not have the exact change, which creates a fury among some customers.


Higher Competition

The integration of taxi apps into your smartphones have made the competition between the local cab firms an old story. It’s because these national or international cab companies which operate through the smartphone taxi apps are available 24*7. These online facilities through their apps allow other people to track your car journey.



Are you confused about how to compete with these new changes which are for the good? Well, if you are an established taxi firm in your area you will be mostly having a good business. So adapting to the latest technologies, by investing in a taxi booking app and integrating the card payment facilities, will help to get moving ahead in the game!

Trying out a Free Taxi Dispatch Software Demo to understand how a Taxi App can completely transform your Taxi Business.

The taxi business has greatly evolved with technology. Read more about How Technology Redefines The Taxi Business?



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Brighton City Chauffeur
Brighton City Chauffeur

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